Why do women hire a gigolo or male escort in Las Vegas?

Why do women hire a gigolo or male escort in Las Vegas? Well, if you didn’t know there are male escorts in Las Vegas and women hire them from time to time for companionship. For women, hiring a male escort looks unlikely as most people think only men need women escorts. Well, this is not the case in Sin City where anything is possible, and nobody will ask you why.

So, why do women in Las Vegas hire male escorts?

The answer is an obvious one; to have good quality time with a good looking man. Most escort agencies do not discuss sex but what happens between two consenting adults in privacy in nobody’s business. The main question most people ask is what motivates the women to pay for companionship. For once, men are readily available if you just want some good moments. There are hundreds of dating sites online where you can get a man in minutes and enjoy all the pleasures.


Most of the women who hire male escorts are in their 40s and above and most likely have children. Women who have been away from dating for years prefer the shorter way of getting a man to their room whenever they need one and avoid the hassles of dating. Getting a nice looking man to love you and give you all the pleasures you need is never easy as most men will leave you after sleeping with you. This is the main reason why most women who hire male escorts do what they do. They don’t want to try every jackass on the dating site and end up with just anybody because they can’t attract a nice looking man. Show me one single woman who will let a good man pass by her and just sleep with any jackass for the sake of sex? Probably not.

Women who hire male escorts want to have control over sexual matters. Remember they are paying for the services and can request the men to do almost anything they want something that cannot happen in a normal relationship. The women want control over the men and get to ask all sorts of silly request. The fact that they have the freedom to choose from hundreds of nice looking men over the internet and giving a call to have one come to their room makes them want to hire the Las Vegas gigolos.


Male escorts are rarely unheard of, and most people just imagine of a beautiful goddess whenever they hear the word escort, but that is not the case. Another good reason why women hire escorts is to get the experience of being with another man without any strings attached. These are women who are married and want their marriage to be okay but still get some pleasure once in a while from male escorts. These women are avoiding being caught cheating as male escort work just like a female escort and keep the identity of their clients a top secret.

If you are a nice looking woman and wondering if hiring a male escort is a good idea, I tell you it is a great idea. Your money can get you all the pleasures you want without ever having to go through the stressful dating sites.

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